Wir akzeptieren OnlineÜberweisung!


On this page we like to give you a short introduction into how Club RopeMarks came about and to provide details about how we work, update, etc.



Way back in 1999, when we first decided to show ourselves on the internet, our site was called "Voyage of Discovery". This site became quite successful after only a few months and we decided to formalize our activities on a new site called "RopeMarks".

On both sites we showed you a part of our private life, our bondage-life if you will, in pictures and words. It was a concept similar to what is now known as a blog.

The responses to our "blogging" increased with every passing month. Our real-life RopeMarks activities increased (workshops, demonstrations, shows and photo shoots) and generally the interest in our style of bondage, inspired by the Japanese style (shibari/kinbaku), was increasing.

We all know nothing is for free in this life and the same goes for ISP's, hosting, bandwidth, etc. At one point our own success was financially working against us. The cost for running RopeMarks was becoming too high to stay interesting for us. We had to make a decision, scale down or quit RopeMarks or separate the part that was generating most bandwidth and make it a pay site.

We like what we do very much and thought quitting was not an option, scaling down was not our first thought either. So only one thing left, separate the part that generated the most bandwidth into a pay site.

Enter "Club RopeMarks", a members only club where you can watch videos and photos of our photo shoots and parts of our private bondage-life.


Some reflection

Do we mind that we had to create a pay site to continue our online activity? In a way, yes. It is commercializing what we do. When people pay for something they have the right to certain expectations. Honestly, this frightened us. We have nothing against commercializing but in general it is not why we started RopeMarks. But, in hindsight, the choice was simple, stop posting our pictures for you or put them behind a members only section so we could pay for the costs. Since we enjoy the fact that you enjoy our love for bondage, fetish and BDSM we decided to make them available for members only.

So, to make a long story short, the Club (meaning Club RopeMarks) has seen the light of day to cover the increasing costs that our main site RopeMarks was generating.

At this moment we enjoy the level of professionalism we've reached, our cooperation with media, events, models, photographers, videographers and like minded people. We enjoy making artful (Japanese) bondage series and we enjoy adding sexual aspects as much as we enjoy this in our private life as we are sure you do too :)


Update Frequency

In the lifetime of RopeMarks and later Club RopeMarks we have had different update frequencies of the site. In the very beginning we simply updated whenever we felt like it. These were simple updates a handful of photo's or less and a lot of text telling you, blog-style, what it was that we did and why we liked it.

The update frequency of the site increased rapidly. We went from "whenever" to quarterly to monthly, weekly and at one point we reached doing updates twice a week. Doing updates twice a week (doing photo shoot twice a week), holding a regular job (bills have to be paid!), do workshops and shows, meet friends and family, have a social life, well... you can't do that, something has to give. For us it was the updates. We decreased our update frequency to once every week, to once every two weeks and later to once every month. This is where we are now; we update on average once a month.

We hope you understand and I'm sure you'll agree when you see our other finished projects :)



No matter how real our actions and activities look, we and the people we work with are trained professionals and know what we are doing. On the Club we are offering a fantasy, a fetish fantasy (tm), do not try this at home or get professional tuition before you do, i.e. here RopeMarks Ryu.